An ancient prophet once taught that the sacred words that are now the Book of Mormon would “be kept and preserved by the hand of the Lord until they should go forth unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people” (Alma 37:4).
That prophesy will continue to unfold as additional episodes from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Book of Mormon Videos live-action series will be made available in these 14 non-English languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog, Cebuano, Samoan and Tongan.

“I think it adds a huge value to being able to really understand the scriptures,” said Liliana Corona-Guerrero, an actress from Oxnard, California, who played King Lamoni’s wife from the Book of Mormon.
Corona-Guerrero and actors from more than a dozen countries, either performed or recorded their voices to bring to life the Christ-centered experiences from the Book of Mormon in what is now the video project’s third season.
“It was beautiful to see Polynesians, Native Americans [...] people from Latin America, from all over, from each tribe and region, and we were all sharing our cultures and our traditions and our love for the Book of Mormon,” she said. “It was so special.” The most recent episodes, released in English in spring 2020, cover teachings from the sacred text as recorded by prophets in the ancient Americas from approximately 130 BC until AD 421, including Mosiah, Alma and Mormon.
“Just like the sacred text, these Christ-centered videos will bring people closer to the Savior,” said Sister Reyna Aburto, second counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency. She also serves on the committee that oversees the Book of Mormon Videos series project.
“The Book of Mormon is the keystone to our faith and has already impacted countless lives around the world by helping us understand our divine purpose as children of a loving Heavenly Father,” Sister Aburto said. “Translating and interpreting the videos into many languages is evidence of that truth. And it is our hope that members and friends of the faith alike will feast on the teachings of Christ that are found in these videos.” The videos can be found on and in the Gospel Library app. Subscribe here to be notified when new videos are published to YouTube. Photographs from each season will be available on and in the Gospel Media app for use in social media and other forms of communication.