President Kevin E. Gallacher and Sister Janine D. Gallacher have been called to lead the England Birmingham Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They succeed President David J. Hughes and Sister Lisa A. Hughes who have served devotedly for three years.
The Gallachers consider this country sacred ground as both served missions here in the UK as young adults. President Gallacher served in the England London South Mission and Sister Gallacher served in the England Birmingham Mission. Sister Gallacher’s mother, also served in the England Birmingham Mission following the death of her husband. She was blessed to meet some of the same people her daughter had known and worked with 20 years earlier. President and Sister Gallacher are thrilled to return to England and help guide the Lord’s work.
Following their arrival in England and a period of quarantine, the Gallachers began their work by holding mission conferences to introduce themselves and meet the missionaries who are serving with them. Sister Gallacher told the missionaries, “It is so wonderful to put faces and names to the missionaries for whom we’ve been praying for so long.”
President Gallacher added, “From the day we found out we were assigned to the England Birmingham Mission our hearts were filled with love for each of you. We prayed for you every day, prior to our arrival.”
In their mission meeting President Gallacher taught the missionaries the importance of correct principles: “Relying on true principles brings confidence to all we do, whether at church, school, work, in business, etc. If the principle is true, then it is universally applicable. This brings increased faith as we know blessings come from being obedient to true principles. Simply put (as the hymn states), ‘Choose the right and let the consequence follow!’”
President Gallacher was born in Farmington, New Mexico, USA and Sister Gallacher in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. They are the parents of four children. The Gallachers have called the Denver, Colorado area home for the past 33 years. They are members of the Northridge Ward, Highlands Ranch Colorado Stake.
President Gallacher has served as a priest’s quorum specialist and high councillor, stake self-reliance specialist, bishop, bishopric counsellor, elders quorum president, and ward Young Men president.
Sister Gallacher has served as a Sunday School teacher and ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counsellor, nursery leader and seminary teacher.