When a Swedish businesswoman, a British barrister, and a Luxembourgish bus driver all sit in front of their screens at the same time, then it’s usually for a football match, a royal wedding, or the Eurovision Song Contest. On October 3-4, 2020, a virtual conference by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will bring people from around Europe and the world together for a weekend of inspiration and sacred music.
A total of five sessions will held during the upcoming general conference. Each session will be broadcast online from a small auditorium downtown Salt Lake City in the U.S. State of Utah. Only those who have been invited to speak or pray will attend in person. Details about the broadcast schedule can be found here.
“In the Church of Jesus Christ, you will find a family of people who are not so different from you. You will find people who need your help and who want to help you as you strive to become the best version of yourself—the person God created you to become,” said Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf at the Church’s last worldwide conference held in April of this year.
The former airline pilot from Germany belongs to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. Other Europeans hold leading offices in the Church. Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé was born in Bordeaux.
General conference usually originates in the 21,000-seat Conference Center. Meetings traditionally bring thousands of visitors to Salt Lake City from around the globe. Following the same pattern as the previous conference, all sessions in October will be virtual only. There will be no live event open to the public.
Among those invited to follow the conference online are half a million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe. Live interpretation of talks and prayers will be provided in many European languages. The Church counts more than 16.5 million members worldwide.
The music for the conference has been prerecorded. The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square will be featured. This 360-member chorus of men and women has performed in acclaimed concert halls in Europe and around the world.