Daryl and Monic Watson have been called to preside over the Belgium/Netherlands Mission beginning July 2021© 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“We love missionary work, and we love missionaries,” Daryl said. “I know that the Lord is already helping both of us to be ready and prepared to serve this summer. We are both excited and humbled by the opportunity at hand.”
As leaders of the Belgium/Netherlands Mission, they will lead, supervise and train a group of young missionaries to effectively teach religious principles as well as find ways to serve others and the community.
Having served their individual missions in England and Scotland, Daryl and Monic are looking forward to serving again as full-time representatives of Jesus Christ. After raising three children and serving in many leadership positions in the Church, they are ready for new opportunities to share the gospel. Their call to serve is especially significant for Monic, as she grew up and was baptised in the Netherlands.
“It warms my heart to be able to meet those people again that received me with so much love 30 years ago,” she said. “They were the foundation of my personal journey in the gospel. I know I did a lot of receiving back then. Now, I hope to be able to give and help build up the Lord's Church in the Netherlands.”
As a teenager, Monic was invited to the baptism of a young boy she babysat for. After attending the baptism, she began attending other church events and activities and soon fell in love with the people. She started reading the Book of Mormon, a book of scripture used alongside the Bible. As she read, she found herself not being able to put it down because there was something unique about it. She was baptised shortly after and said it was the best thing she ever did.

The Watsons in traditional Dutch dress2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Now, 30 years later, Monic is once again reading the same Dutch Book of Mormon that she studied from as a young adult while investigating the Church. Instead of reading to find direction and answers in her own life, she is now reading and preparing to help others find answers to their questions.
The Netherlands is a special place for both of the Watsons. Before moving to Scotland, they spent their first year together as a young married couple in the country and frequently return to visit.
“I think the Lord calls you where your heart is,” Monic said. “We both felt like a call to the Netherlands was coming.”
Daryl has been afforded with many opportunities to officially represent the Church throughout his life. While his career has been focused on sales, leadership development and personal coaching, he has also spent many years as the Director of Church Communication in Great Britain.
Whether it is speaking with elected officials or singing a hymn to members of the Scottish Parliament, he is passionate about sharing the gospel.
“The gospel is universal. When it’s taught with power and love through the Spirit, it can penetrate the hearts of all those who are really searching for greater purpose and meaning in their lives,” he said. “It has been the key to success in our marriage, as well as in our lives and has brought us great hope for our family and the days ahead.”
Daryl and Monic are really looking forward to working with the missionaries and plan to place a special emphasis on the rising generation.
“We hope to be able to share with many youth, young adults and missionaries how much we love the gospel of Jesus Christ, they are after all, the hope for our future and the leaders of tomorrow,” Daryl said.
The Watsons will begin their service in July.