50 fathers and sons from the Farnborough Ward, Reading Stake, camped at the Basingstoke Canal Centre in Mytchett (Surrey) recently.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Warm and comfortable beds were swapped for the soggy and cold field in Mytchett where the annual camp commemorating the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood was enjoyed by the young and (not so) old alike.
Everyone participated in many activities that included a bike ride, sports and a hike. The dads tried to lead the way on the bike ride, but the youth showed their energy out trumping their seniors with impressive control and tricks being performed over jumps.
It was an early rise on Sunday morning as the priesthood holders enjoyed a cooked breakfast organised by the young men at 07:30 in a tranquil, quiet grove of trees. A small number of spiritual thoughts were offered followed by an uplifting and inspiring testimony meeting.
With many varying characters, differing careers, hobbies and interests, one might be surprised at the camaraderie forged among the brethren of the Farnborough ward, but through the strength and unity of the priesthood, paths that may have never been crossed have brought about lasting friendships.
In the busy and sometimes hectic lives a brother, father, grandfather, son or uncle live, it can become an increasingly difficult task to spend quality time with the family and one on one time with your children. Commenting on the lack of time available Giles Johnson who took his 3 year old son said, “Commuting into London means I leave home early and come back late, so the opportunity to spend time with my son, explaining the purpose of the priesthood at a camp, witnessing the good example of other faithful priesthood holders and participating in fun activities will be one I hope we will remember forever.”
Lee Matthews said, ‘This weekend was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the restoration of the priesthood and to reflect upon our sacred responsibilities, remembering to stand in the office in which we are called with full honesty and diligence.”
Bishop Rushforth added, "The important role that fathers play in rearing their children is often forgotten in today's society. Events such as this help to provide important opportunities for fathers and sons to spend time together and build stronger relationships."