Preparations for the August 2023 British Pageant in Chorley, UK are in full swing, and four young adults from the core cast are excited to participate. Felicity Wilgose, Ben Hancock, Naomi Cook, and Isaac Turner, all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the UK, share their experiences and hopes for this year’s pageant performances.
Felicity Wilgose

Felicity Wilgose performing in the British Pageant
Felicity Wilgose performing in the British Pageant© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Felicity is a member of the Dumfries Ward (congregation) of the Scotland Edinburgh Stake (diocese) of the Church.
“I saw the British Pageant in 2017 and thought it was incredible and immediately wanted to be part of it. My parents encouraged me to audition knowing that it would be an amazing experience telling the story of those faithful British church members. I enjoy performing and want to pursue acting as a career so perhaps this will lead to other opportunities.”
Felicity comes to this year’s pageant with some prior experience in the summer of 2022 as part of the Nauvoo and British Pageants held yearly in Nauvoo, Illinois, USA. She says that involvement in the Pageant allows you to become the best version of yourself, giving more than you thought you ever could.
She adds, “I hope that those who come to watch this incredible show will come to know the stories of the early British Saints [members] that travelled to America to spread the gospel and to feel grateful for their many sacrifices.”
Felicity invites her peers to, “Follow your dreams because you really have everything to gain. Even the struggles can be the most fun parts of the journey.”

Felicity Wilgose
Felicity Wilgose© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
Ben Hancock

Ben Hancock with his mother, Yvonne Hancock
Ben Hancock with his mother, Yvonne Hancock© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Ben Hancock is a veteran of the British Pageant having performed in the 2013, 2017 and now the 2023 productions.

Ben Hancock
Ben Hancock © 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This year he is portraying nineteenth century apostle Heber C. Kimball as part of the core cast in addition to responsibilities as Assistant Communications Lead for the British Pageant.
He auditioned for the part of Heber C. Kimball and though he wishes he had more acting experience, the directors said, “You are Heber and it’s the way you are.”
Ben recalls the audition for the British Pageant as being quite different from a theatrical audition. “I feel a lot more power in this role because it’s like a calling and not just a part in a play.”
He adds, “I know I cannot do this without the Lord’s help. He will increase my capacity and abilities as I wholeheartedly enter this experience. I feel the truth of the apostle Paul’s statement (I Corinthians 3:6), ‘God gave the increase.’”
Naomi Cook

Naomi Cook
Naomi Cook© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Naomi Cook will be performing in the British Pageant almost in her own backyard as she is a member of the Chorley 3rd Ward (congregation) of the Church. She is currently studying for a degree in Musical Theatre in Manchester and has spent some time in freelance acting and in various stage and screen performances. She has taken part in the 2013 and 2017 Pageants.
For the 2023 British Pageant, she plays the role of Ellen Benbow who is one of the youth narrators in the production.
Naomi says, “I feel very blessed to be a part of the Pageant again. Because I perform a lot for my studies and for work, I always try to offer my performance to God. With the Pageant, every single person in the cast, crew, and creative teams is doing the same thing – it’s the whole purpose of the Pageant, to bring people closer to God. I feel extremely blessed as a performer to be a part of that.”
She adds, “I hope that the Pageant will touch the audience in the way that each individual needs. We all have our own faith journey and whatever that looks like for each person, I hope that the Pageant plays a positive part of that journey. I would love for people to feel a sense of God’s love for them. It is something I have definitely felt.”

Naomi Cook dancing in the British Pageant
Naomi Cook dancing in the British Pageant© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Isaac Turner

Isaac Turner
Isaac Turner© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Isaac Turner has participated in past productions of the British Pageant as part of the lighting crew. He was also part of the 2022 core cast British Pageant production held in Nauvoo, Illinois. This year he plays the part of David Ashton in the UK British Pageant production in Chorley.
Because he also portrayed David Ashton in the US production, Isaac is grateful for the early preparation he has been given with the UK production. Having served a mission to the Adriatic South Mission, he is also busy teaching Greek at the Missionary Training Centre in Chorley.
When asked why he auditioned for the Pageant, Isaac responds, “I love the magic of the Pageant. I feel changed for the better as a result of my involvement. It’s like being part of a family with one heart and one goal based and centred on Jesus Christ.”
He continues, “I hope people who attend will feel that they are needed and wanted. The character of David Ashton goes through a lot of doubt, hardship and discouragement. I believe Satan is trying to cause the youth of today to forget who we really are. No matter what is going on in your life, God wants us to know that our true identity is as His beloved children. The story of the British Pageant lets us know that through determination and faith in Jesus Christ, we can be more and do more than we ever could do without Him.”
Isaac Turner performing
Isaac Turner performing© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
Performances of the British Pageant will be 2nd – 5th and 8th- 12th August 2023. For more information and free tickets click on